WATCH | Healthy Eating For a Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to healthy living, for many of us, our first thought is, heading to the gym. We designate a few hours a week, remain consistent with our favorite workout regimen and we are one step closer to our healthiest life. While working out is always an important component to a healthy life, when we really think about what it means to live healthy, it all begins with the foods we choose to consume on a daily basis.

As the 4 month Essence & Smartwater Live Well Challenge continues, we spoke with Fitness Coach, Shy Lovell on some quick an easy healthy options for our everyday meals. 

According to Lovell, no matter how consistent you are with your workouts, it all begins within.

“One thing we can’t do is out train a bad diet.” shared Lovell.

To join us on our Essence & Smartwater Live Well Challenge, head over to

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