Do you know how that psychological principle states that the more options you’re presented with, the less happy you are with the outcome you choose? That’s how I sometimes feel when I shop at big beauty retailers like Sephora. If I’m stuck between three different lipsticks, let’s say, then I find myself contemplating my choice long after my card has been charged. Did I choose the right one? Should I go back and exchange it? Should I even be looking at lipsticks? Maybe I need a tinted lip balm instead… and so on. Basically, it’s hard to feel confident with your choice when there’s such a wealth of other options up for grabs.
Whenever I feel like this, I do one of two things: First, I consider going back to basics, shopping for products I already know and love. Second, I narrow my selection to only the best-selling products. This way, I can be more confident I bought the right product because it’s backed by so many other people too. It’s like getting a recommendation from a friend; it carries some weight.
So, in the spirit of making everyone’s shopping just a little bit easier, I gathered a selection of the best-selling products at Sephora. These products range across all three major categories—skincare, makeup, and hair care. Without further ado, keep scrolling to see (and shop) them all.