The 7 Best Drugstore Eyeliners to Swap for Expensive Ones

Eyeliners fall into that annoying category of beauty products that seem like they should only cost $5 but typically manage to run us upward of $15, $20, even $30. Uh, not cool! Previously, we’ve grinned, purchased, and born it, but what if we were to tell you this little place called the drugstore plays home to formulas that are identical to, if not better than, some of the best eyeliners in the business? 

Now, we love our Stilas, Laura Merciers, Bobbi Brows, and Kat Von Ds just as much as anyone, but when you have bills to pay, Postmates to order, and highly salted overpriced margaritas to sip, your enthusiasm for extremely expensive eyeliners starts to wane. Thus, in the spirit of saving money without sacrificing our perfectly eyelined prerogative, we set out to find the seven best dupes to match the seven best eyeliners. Ahead, the crème de la crème of drugstore pencils, pots, felt tips, and, yes, even rollerballs, that give cult-status eyeliners a serious run for their money performance-wise and completely whip their bums price-wise. Keep scrolling! 

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