Lala Milan Launches New Feminine Product Vagitaminz

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Comedian, social media influencer and entrepreneur Lala Milan made her debut with funny videos but has since expanded into other areas. One of her latest ventures is a feminine wellness product Vagitaminz, a natural remedy for women struggling with yeast infections. 75% of women have at least one in their lifetime, so it is a condition that’s quite common. 

“At one point in time while taking an antibiotic for my acne, I experienced a recurring yeast infection,” Millan says. “I had no idea that the two were connected. I kept going back to the OBGYN for her to write me a prescription to make the yeast subside until another recommended a more natural remedy. That was years ago, and I’ve sworn by it ever since. So much so that I decided to create my own version because I like to think of them as a Vaginal Vitamin – I decided to call them Vagitaminz.”

Yeast infections are caused by a yeast–a type of fungus–called candida and common symptoms include itching, irritation, and discharge. As per causes, things like shifts in your immune system, medication, or hormones can trigger a yeast infection. The product can also help with vaginal odor, discharge, balanced vaginal pH health, and balanced levels of vaginal yeast. In terms of the ingredients, Vagitaminz contains boric acid in a gelatin capsule and was created in FDA-approved facilities.

As a serial entrepreneur, Lala also launched a fitness brand, FitGirlBod, in 2021, which focuses on healthy weight gain and general fitness. They sell a range of products ranging from protein powder to resistance bands. 

Vagitaminz can be purchased on her official website for $29.99 a bottle. 

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